We invite you to a cycling tour “Melje in the first half of the 20th century: buildings and their stories”, where we will learn about the history of Melje.
For most of today’s Maribor citizens, let alone for potential visitors, Melje is a part of Maribor that is not in any itinerary. Yet this part of the city is associated with both the most dazzling as well as the darkest moments of the city’s history. We will meet them in stories about buildings in Melje.
Vodenje bo v petek, 18. septembra 2020. Začelo se bo ob 14. uri in bo trajalo okoli uro in pol. Zbirno mesto bo pred skladiščem nekdanje tovarne MTT v Melju (vhod v MTT iz Ulice heroja Šaranoviča; gl. zemljevid na hrbtni strani).
The guided tour will be on Friday, 18th of September 2020. It will begin at 14:00. and will last about an hour and a half. The meeting point will be in front of the warehouse of the former MTT factory in Melje (entrance to the MTT from Ulica heroja Šaranoviča; see enclosed map).
We will ride our bikes around Melj under the expert guidance of Boris Hajdinjak.
Boris Hajdinjak is a historian, geographer, and director of the Maribor Synagogue. For thirty years he has been leading tours in various cities, from Amsterdam to Cairo, from Gibraltar to Krakow, and his biggest challenge is always to guide around his native Maribor.
In case of rain the event is canceled.
The event is part of the European Days of Jewish Culture 2020 and Prelaunch Days ECO 8 projects.
For more details on both projects, visit the websites of the Synagogue Maribor and the Maribor Art Gallery.
In order to respect the preventive measures to prevent and limit the spread of covid-19 virus, we ask visitors of the event to attend only, if you are healthy without signs of respiratory infection, and at the event to maintain a suitable safety distance of 1,5 m, take care of proper cough hygiene / sneeze and follow other safety instructions of the organizer.